Install Guide for PennMUSH Codebase

This guide provides instructions for installing and configuring the latest PennMUSH codebase production release version on a server supported by Third Generation.  Directions for both the recommended 64-bit installation and the optional 32-bit installation are documented within as well as instructions for compiling an older 186p2 branch.  Further documentation on the advanced configuration and maintaining of the codebase is available through the resources provided below.
1. PennMUSH Home Page –
2. PennMUSH Project Page -
Installation (64-bit install – Recommended) (Latest Branch)
It is recommended to use the native 64-bit software libraries of the operating system when installing and configuring the latest release of the PennMUSH codebase.  The following commands should be executed from the terminal of your shell account.
I.     Downloading and compiling the latest version of the PennMUSH source code.
1. Login to your shell account with an SSH client and type the following:
2. scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
3. cd ~/
4. git clone 
5. cd ~/pennmush
6. ./configure
7. sed -i 's/-L\/usr\/lib -L\/usr\/lib/-L\/usr\/lib64 -L\/usr\/lib/' Makefile
9. make update
9. >>> Accept the default configuration attributes, if prompted.
10. make
11. make install
II.    PennMUSH configuration
1. cd ~/pennmush/game
2. nano mush.cnf
3. >>> Update your “port” config option with your account’s registered game port.
4. >>> Update the “mud_name” config option with your game’s name.
5. >>> CTRL+X and save the configuration file.
III.   Starting PennMUSH
1. cd ~/pennmush/game
2. sh restart
Starting your game for the first time will automatically build a new game database.  Once the database has been initialized, you may access your game’s login screen by telnetting to your game’s address and port number.  PennMUSH provides a default admin account named, “One”.  Proceed to log in to your game with the default admin account and change the account’s password with the following command:  @newpassword one=<yourpassword>
Installation (32-bit install Alternative)
The following documentation provides instructions for compiling an existing PennMUSH codebase with optional 32-bit library support.  The compiling of PennMUSH with 32-bit legacy libraries may be required if your game’s database, release version or extensions do not support newer 64-bit software libraries.  It is recommended to compile PennMUSH with 64-bit library support if your game and database support it.  The following commands should be directly executed from the terminal of your shell account.
I.     Compiling an existing PennMUSH codebase directory with 32-bit library support.
1. Login to your shell account with an SSH client and type the following:
2. cd ~/pennmush
3. make clean
4. ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu "CFLAGS=-m32" "CXXFLAGS=-m32" "LDFLAGS=-m32"
5. replace 'lib64' 'lib' -- Makefile
6. make update
7. >>> Accept the default configuration attributes, if prompted.
8. make
9. make install
II.    PennMUSH configuration
1. cd ~/pennmush/game
2. nano mush.cnf
3. >>> Update your “port” config option with your account’s registered game port.
4. >>> Update the “mud_name” config option with your game’s name.
5. >>> CTRL+X and save the configuration file.
III.   Starting PennMUSH
1. cd ~/pennmush/game
2. sh restart
Installation (Former Versions - 186p2 Branch - 64-bit)
In the event you wish to compile an older PennMUSH branch such as PennMUSH version 1.8.6, follow these instructions.
I.     Downloading and compiling the latest version of the PennMUSH source code.
1. Login to your shell account with an SSH client and type the following:
2. cd ~/
3. git clone --branch 186p2 
4. cd ~/pennmush
5. ./configure
6. make update
7. >>> Accept the default configuration attributes, if prompted.
8. make
9. make install
II.    PennMUSH configuration
1. cd ~/pennmush/game
2. nano mush.cnf
3. >>> Update your “port” config option with your account’s registered game port.
4. >>> Update the “mud_name” config option with your game’s name.
5. >>> CTRL+X and save the configuration file.
III.   Starting PennMUSH
1. cd ~/pennmush/game
2. sh restart
Starting your game for the first time will automatically build a new game database.  Once the database has been initialized, you may access your game’s login screen by telnetting to your game’s address and port number.  PennMUSH provides a default admin account named, “One”.  Proceed to log in to your game with the default admin account and change the account’s password with the following command:  @newpassword one=<yourpassword>
  • PennMUSH
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